Providing classical holiness literature for the most underserved and overlooked linguistic groups in the majority world church.

Let God Guide You Daily


Can you and I learn to receive God’s guidance so naturally and continuously that guidance becomes our spiritual life-style? Can daily guidance become such a joy that in the times when crucial decisions need to be made we can receive a deep inner assurance of God’s will?



Can you and I learn to receive God’s guidance so naturally and continuously that guidance becomes our spiritual life-style? Can daily guidance become such a joy that in the times when crucial decisions need to be made we can receive a deep inner assurance of God’s will?

The author shows that because God is interested in all of life, we have His assurance of guidance not just in moments of crisis but also in matters of everyday living. Guidance is a privilege and a promise. We should expect and seek daily guidance because God wants us to have it.

The author’s purpose in this book is to help Christians develop a “guidance life-style” in which they will be spiritually prepared for daily guidance, have understanding of how God directs so that they will recognize His counsel, and be spiritually empowered to act accordingly.  The author relates true stories that illustrate his purpose and show that ‘God does not want you to miss any of all His beautiful purpose for you.”

This book explains how to know and experience the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit in daily life.

20 reviews for Let God Guide You Daily

  1. Taylor

    I urge you to read this book. It will be life changing.—Dr. David C. LeShana, President, Seattle Pacific University

  2. Taylor

    I heartily commend it to all who desire to give first place to God’s kingdom agenda.—Dr. Warren Webster, General Director, Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society.

  3. Taylor

    I want to recommend it to both pastors and delegates of the conferences.—Free Methodist Bishop

  4. Taylor

    Finally a book on God’s daily guidance that is practical, readable, biblical, and balanced.—Dr. Jay Kesler, President, Taylor University.

  5. Taylor

    The principles you share are certainly being used by the Lord to give me guidance.—Pastor.

  6. Taylor

    The most complete book on guidance I have ever seen….When people call on the phone with their problems, I run my finger down the index, turn to the pages, give them help, and give them the Scripture references you have included. It is tremendous.—Pastor’s wife.

  7. Taylor

    It is easy but life-changing reading.—Radio Station KHYM.

  8. Taylor

    The best book available in this topical area. —Evangelist.

  9. Taylor

    “The author’s purpose in this book is to help Christians develop a ‘guidance life-style’ in which they will be spiritually prepared for daily guidance, have understanding of how God directs so that they will recognize His counsel, and be spiritually empowered to act accordingly. Wesley Duewel relates true stories that illustrate his purpose and show that ‘God does not want you to miss any of all His beautiful purpose for you.’”

  10. Taylor

    “Dr. Wesley Duewel’s…book, with its lively and straight forward style, its air of fervent devotion, and, above all, its well-balanced treatment of this important subject, will be of great help to many readers. With real skill Dr. Duewel steers between two dangerous extremes; excessive subjectivism where every whim is taken to be the will of God; and a kind of neo-deism where God is far removed from our daily affairs. For this feature alone, not to mention its other strengths, the book deserves wide reading.”—Dr. John Oswalt

  11. Taylor

    “Wesley Duewel takes seriously the promise in Isaiah 58:11: ‘The Lord will guide you daily.’ This book provides a practical set of principles for experiencing the ‘joy of a guided life.’ I heartily recommend it to all who desire to give first place to God’s kingdom agenda by making divine guidance their spiritual lifestyle.”—Warren Webster, General Director, Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society [as of 1988]

  12. Taylor

    “I was moved and encouraged by the securing truths that God wants to provide and will provide guidance in life…daily. For those of all ages who seek to be God’s people strategically placed and used by Him daily, I highly recommend this book.”—Dwight Robertson, Kingdom Building Ministries [Founder and currently President]

  13. Taylor

    “A book on God’s daily guidance that is practical, readable, biblical and balanced is available to young and older alike….an intensely useful book.”—Jay Kesler

  14. Taylor

    “Dr. Duewel has opened his heart and brought out a whole myriad of different insights and wise counsels. What a full life of deep running blessings he shares with those who would seek the Lord daily!”—Dr. Ralph Winter

  15. Taylor

    “Written in an extremely practical manner, this book will be a beacon to both minister and layperson.”—Book Review clipping

  16. Taylor

    “It is the most complete book on guidance I have ever seen. It is more than a manual. It is an encyclopedia. I use the index constantly. When people call on the phone with their problems, I run my finger down the index, turn to the pages, give them help, and give them the Scripture references you have included. It is tremendous.”—Mrs. Eileen Gottschalk, OMS missionary

  17. Taylor

    “It is because of reading your book and applying it that God called me to do chaplaincy training in a large hospital.”—Texas

  18. Taylor

    “A prisoner told me…that he teaches a group of other prisoners from your book.”—Louisiana, USA

  19. Taylor

    “The author’s purpose in this book is to help Christians develop a ‘guidance lifestyle’ in which they will be spiritually prepared for daily guidance, have understanding of how God directs so that they will recognize his counsel, and be spiritually empowered to act accordingly. Wesley Duewel relates true stories that illustrate his purpose and show that ‘God does not want you to miss any of all His beautiful purpose for you.’”—1st edition, back cover

  20. Taylor

    “Wesley Duewel reconfirms the methods the Holy Spirit uses to direct us….and answers some important questions about God’s guidance. Well indexed and heartily recommended.”—Evangelical Church Library Association

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